Here is Zanna with Hama and Grandpa opening some clothes from them.
Whilst enjoying Grandpa's company, she helps Grandpa with a smile.
She loves Little People and their accessories!!
And here she is admiring her booty!
Grandma had a nice shirt created by the Lopez Ladies...
Mom got her fair share of cool kitchen gadgetry to further the greatness of her cooking (and Dad's diet)!!
And Not-So-Little-Anymore Miss Poey was very pleased with her take, as you can see with the wry smile, that she knows good stuff is about to happen.
She was very happy to finally get an MP4 player, and though Dad thought this would eliminate his having to hear more teenie bopper music, not he just gets to hear Zo sing it acapella while listening on said player...oh well.
Love this picture. It makes me smile. :-)
So until next Christmas...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! (Outfit from Grandma...nice one Grandma.)
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