Well it's late October and it's time to get into the spirit of the season. And what better way to do so than carve a pumpkin with your favorite uncle. So I hope you enjoy these pics as much as I enjoyed the carving.

For starters you have to clean out the pumpkin, and it seems this a rather fun activity for both the young and not old.

Next comes the drawing of the face....

We're almost there and apparently this carving has taken on quite the serious tone. No time to mess around uncle, let's finish this bad boy. (By the way notice the large amount of seeds we were able to get for roasting...mmmmm, can't wait)

Yeah, almost done. One last step before we have our first full blown official carving.

Thats right, a little light and now we have a happy jack-o-lantern. Now that the pumpkin is ready for the event I wonder what our little headache will do the commerate the coming holiday.
Check in later and maybe we will have the answer.