That's right this is the Thanksgiving post. I have been scooped by the bean review but that will not keep me from adding to the fun. Please enjoy these wonderful pictures from our trip to Miss Es and Cinco's home for turkey and fun.

Here we have the excitement of our first plane ride. She was a bit scared when the plane was getting ready to take off but once it started all apprehension turned quickly to glee. Not even when we were landing and I claimed we were gonna crash land did that upset her. It just elicited a big smile and a hearty "alright!"

Here we are meeting our cousin Miss Es for the first time (and we are not even in St. Louis).

The following day was even more exciting as Zoey finally had her first experience with snow.

So what is the first thing you do when you go out in the snow? That's right, you make a snow angel.

Here you see a pretty innocent picture but what is actually happening is a team effort to trick Uncle Mike. First the boy distracts me with his cuteness and charm while the girl reaches down to get some snow to make a snowball to throw at me. It should be noted that this tactic worked several times.

The next morning we brought donuts to enjoy for breakfast. Someone was enjoying them more than the rest of us. Luckily Zoey was keeping a watchful eye so as not to be unwittingly pilfered by the donut crazed maniac.

Later that day we decided to go to the zoo. Yes that's right, 40 degree weather and we were not the only ones there. Here we are looking at the giraffes, oh wait that's Uncle Walter.

Here we see the great archaeologist Zoey "Poey" Lopez making her way across the rickety bridge in the Amazon rain forest.

"I just wanna say you are the best driver I've ever had. How much would it cost to retain you? I know Dad would pay."

From the zoo we headed to Chuck E. Cheese, or as the boy calls it Cookies or Cookie Keys. Here we see Zo telling him to "get on the bus Gus".

Of course you know he can't say no and gets on for fun and merriment.

Miss Es sits by watching the thinking "those two are some crraaaazzzyyy cats".

Here you have the worlds best bedtime time story reader thinking it was probably not a good idea to have him sit in her lap while she read. Of course she may also be wondering why she no longer has any feeling in her legs.

Finally it's Thanksgiving morning and we have the now joined at the hip pair enjoying the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade on TV. Sorry there aren't any pictures of the meal, we were to busy eating. Mmmmmmm...turkey.